Dangerous Household Spiders You Should Know About

For some people, the fear of spiders is rooting. The creepy, crawly arachnids scuttle around the dark areas of your home and before long, they can turn into an infestation.

When you see a spider, do you take the time to figure out what kind it is? Probably not. You just want it gone. Spider Extermination is a great way to free your home from an infestation, but it’s important to familiarize yourself with what dangerous spiders live in your area.

Often, spiders help control the bug population around your home – but that doesn’t make them any less creepy or potentially dangerous.


Black Widow

Considered one of the scariest spiders by name and appearance, the Black Widow spider is well-known for its reputation for sending people who come in contact with it to the hospital.

The distinctive red hourglass marking is the first clue you’ve run into a Black Widow. These spiders are skittish and would rather spend time hiding to avoid a run-in with you. If you’re working around the home, near wood piles, or places where debris has accumulated, wear gloves and avoid any skin contact.

If you do get bit, often you will just feel pain and swelling. Sometimes that pain can spread into the chest and abdomen. In severe cases, symptoms include cramps, spasms, vomiting, shock and high blood pressure. If this occurs, you should seek professional medical attention. Symptoms may occur within 30 to 60 minutes.


Hobo Spider

Believe it or not, Hobo spiders aren’t as common in this part of the country as we may think. That doesn’t make them any less annoying to deal with. People often mistake the bite of a Hobo with that of the Brown Recluse, which does not live in Utah.

Hobo spiders build funnel-shaped webs near holes in the ground, and though they aren’t known climbers, they are fast. Hobo spiders prefer the outdoors but are commonly found in dark basements and window wells.

A bite from a Hobo spider causes the flesh around the bite to die and turn dark in color. You shouldn’t have to get to a hospital if you’re bitten unless symptoms become severe.


Wolf Spider

Wolf Spiders are long, ugly, and often confused with tarantulas or web spiders. Either way, these crawlers are dangerous to residents. The best way to distinguish them is by their eyes. Hopefully, you don’t have to get that close to them, but they have eight eyes arranged in three rows: four small ones on the bottom, two in the middle and two on the top.

Wolf spiders come in all different sizes, depending on the sex. Females carry their egg sacs on their backs so if you think about squishing one against the wall, consider the outcome of having babies scatter all over the place.

If you’re bit, tearing of the skin may occur. This may include swelling, redness, and pain lasting up to 10 days. In more serious cases, the lymph glands swell as well.


Orb-Weaving Spiders

More people know these critters as “cat-faced” spiders. The protrusions and indentations on the abdomen of the spider resemble the ears and eyes of a cat, hence the name.

Orb spiders spin geometric webs near lights outside but rarely pose a threat to humans. In rare cases, they will bite a human but it’s more of a pierce and doesn’t break the skin. Their venom isn’t potent enough to pose any kind of threat to humans of any age.

Orb wears simply want to hunt. They are excellent predators. If you can, release them into your yard to keep nasty pests around your home at bay.

Spiders can produce positive and negative results for you and your home. While they help control the pest population, they still aren’t ideal for many people.

If you need spider extermination, we’re here to help. Give us a call. We’ll come to you and give you an estimate for extra protection around your home.