You’re tired of the sight and want to get rid of crab grass for good, right?
For many people, crabgrass is the incessant enemy that keeps coming back year after year. There are two types of crabgrass, smooth and hairy, but the latter of these is most commonly found on a lawn. As you may know, it’s an “opportunistic” weed which best describes why it often chooses to grow in bare spots on your lawn. But once it gets started, crabgrass is a terribly unattractive weed that spreads fast and their presence can have long-term consequences for the appearance of your lawn.
Let’s take a look at how you can prevent the germination of these weeds…
The Cheatsheet on Getting Rid of Crab Grass For Good
The Key to Get Rid of Crab Grass for Good
If you stop the seeds of crabgrass from germinating, you stop the growth and spread of this weed. However, you need to get rid of crab grass at the right time as any mistake in this regard can mean that you’ll be stuck with crab grass the following year.
It’s All About Creating the Ideal Growing Conditions
You need to focus on the health of your lawn in order to get rid of crab grass. This involves creating the right growing conditions for your lawn so that grass can choke out any weeds that crop up.
Mowing the Lawn is Essential
You’ve got to keep mowing the lawn all-year round in order to get rid of crab grass. This helps remove crab grass seeds during the year and prevent them from maturing in the first place. As a rule, if the lawn looks green and leafy, it stands a much better chance of keeping the crab grass at bay.
Pay Attention to the Height of Your Lawn/Grass
Believe it or not, the height of your grass matters. You should adjust the height of your mower in order to allow grass to grow to the right level. The higher the grass, the longer the roots and the longer these roots, the less room there will be for crab grass!
Aerating the Lawn Should Happen Once Every Year
Check the Condition of Your Soil
You should also test the quality of your soil and ensure there are sufficient nutrients and compounds. If not, you can use natural fertilizer to strike a better balance.
Aerate the Lawn in Order to Help Your Lawn Grow
Aerating the lawn helps increase the presence of grass seed, while creating the best possible growing conditions for your lawn. Lawn aeration is something that you can do with a fork or mechanical device and the process is rather straightforward.
Remove Small Infestations of Crab Grass by Hand
If you notice an early infestation, it’s also possible to remove crab grass with a sharp knife. Now, this might not be useful over a large area but you can take the weed out at the root with this simple process.
Apply Pre-Emergent Herbicides and Post-Emergent Herbicides
Pre-emergent herbicides can be applied to your lawn before the period of germination (early spring) and this chemical is simply watered into the lawn. This means the herbicide can filter down through the soil and attack whatever crab grass seeds might be there. Post-Emergent Herbicide is applied during growing season and helps get rid of crab grass while the weed is young and weak.
Due to the speed at which this weed can spread, it’s important to address crab grass early and take steps to prevent this annoyance rather than wait until it takes over!
Get a free bid and enjoy a yard free of crabgrass sooner than you think. Contract Preventive Pest Control today.